Projet H2020 PLUS – Publication – Digital Platforms and the Nature of the Firm

Laurent Baronians latest article about platforms, linked to the European project PLUS

Digital platforms turn traditional approaches of the firm, which relied on the wage relation to explain the major difference between firm and market, upside down and underline the advantages of coordination through organization over coordination through market. This study aims to propose a definition of the firm able to integrate, besides the …[Lire la suite]

Projet H2020 PLUS – Événement – Shaping our Future in Smarter Regions and Cities: Digitalisation, Jobs, Growth

Post-2021 cohesion policy aims at smart specialisation and digital transformation. This generates new job profiles across sectors, creates opportunities for growth and global competition. However, digitalisation of work will also impact at all levels: on workers, regions, social security and tax systems; it may reinforce inequalities and challenge territorial cohesion. This workshop will explore inclusive digital economic growth and discuss scenarios for shaping a sustainable, inclusive future of work which is focusing on cohesion and the diversity of European …[Lire la suite]

Projet de recherche TAPAS – Événement

Forum des Plateformes Coopératives

11 octobre 2019 de 14h à 21 h 

Bourse du Travail de Paris

29, bd du Temple – 75003 PARIS

Les plateformes numériques ont bouleversé notre façon de nous déplacer, consommer, voyager… De gigantesques acteurs, comme Amazon, Uber ou Airbnb, sont en passe de « plateformiser » presque tous les aspects de notre vie, y compris les plus sensibles : nos …[Lire la suite]