Expiré : 2018/11/23 – 23 novembre – Septième séance du séminaire des doctorants Alexandre Guttmann (CEPN – U.P13)

La prochaine séance du séminaire des doctorants du CEPN aura lieu ce vendredi 23 novembre de 12h30 à 13h30 en salle K301 (UFR SEG, campus de Villetaneuse).

 Alexandre GUTTMANN fera une présentation intitulée “Urban Commons- Discerning its Theory to Support Social and Solidarity Economics”.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le résumé de la présentation.

For this presentation, I will present a historical overview on the theory of Social and Solidarity Economics (SSE) to illustrate the evolution of the term and how it can correspond to the theory of the commons. Through an illustration of its evolution, I will argue that commons can be a transformative mechanism to deal with the crisis of capitalism in a socio-economic and ecological sense, an objective that SSE has been trying to achieve since the beginning of its evolution. I will provide a theoretical overview of what SSE would look like with the commons being at the fore of its capacities. The theory of commoning will be introduced and explained, because it provides a major link to the objectives of SSE. It also makes commons more robust and pertinent to our capitalistic economy today. The presentation will conclude with some examples of commons in the lens of commoning and SSE.

Des sandwichs, salades, fruits et bouteilles d’eau seront à votre disposition.

Vous pouvez retrouver le programme prévisionnel et le mode d’emploi du séminaire ici.

En espérant vous voir nombreux.

L’équipe organisatrice du séminaire des doctorants CEPN