Expiré : 2019/11/12 – 12 novembre – Première séance 2019/2020 de l’Atelier d’économie politique avec Matthew Soener

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que le séminaire “Atelier d’économie politique du CEPN” reprend ses activités demain, le mardi 12 novembre de 12h30 à 14h, exceptionnellement en salle Q303 à l’IUT de Villetaneuse.

Nous recevrons à cette occasion Matthew Soener (Sciences Po – MaxPo/OSC) qui présentera son article intitulé “Profiting in a Warming World. Investigating the Link Between Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Capitalist Profitability in OECD States” (2019).
Vous trouverez ci-joint l’article et ci-dessous son résumé.

Abstract – Economic growth is a key contributor to climate change, but undergirding growth is capitalist profitability. In this article, I refine this long-standing relationship between growth and emissions by estimating if the profit rate and the “exploitation rate” (surplus profits / wages and salaries) predict greenhouse gas emissions. I do so in a sample of advanced capitalist economies from 1995 to 2016 with profitability data on four industries (agriculture, manufacturing/construction, energy, and transportation) as well as greenhouse gas emissions data for both those industries and emissions at the national level. Methodologically, I use two-way fixed effects models and panel-corrected standard errors. My results show that the total profit and exploitation rates are positively associated with emissions. Exploitation in the transportation and manufacturing/ construction sectors, moreover, is also positively associated with emissions. This article provides empirical support for those in environmental sociology claiming that capitalist profitability is a key driver of climate change and ecological change is inseparable from unequal social relations.

Comme à l’accoutumée, des sandwichs, fruits et bouteilles d’eau seront à votre disposition.

En espérant vous y voir nombreux-ses.

L’équipe du séminaire