2020/11/18 – 18 novembre – 2e séance 2020-2021 du Séminaire Etat prédateur, conflits et résistance avec Herbert Obinger (SOCIUM, University of Bremen)

[English below]


Comme prévu, une nouvelle séance du séminaire “État prédateur, Conflits et Résistances aura lieu le mercredi 18 novembre 2020 entre 14h30-16h30.

Etant données les restrictions auxquelles sont soumis les voyages internationaux, cette séance aura lieu exclusivement en ligne.

À cette occasion nous accueillerons Herbert Obinger (SOCIUM, University of Bremen) qui aura une intervention en anglais, intitulée :  “War and the rise of the western welfare state
Discutante : Samira Guennif (CEPN, Université Paris Nord)

Résumé : This presentation provides an overview of the impacts of the two world wars on welfare state development. First, it sheds light on several possible causal mechanisms through which military interests and warfare might have shaped the development of western welfare states. Relevant factors are military concerns about the quantity and quality of the population, tremendous social needs generated by the horrors of war and war-induced political transformations. Next, I will present empirical findings for 18 western countries to highlight how mass warfare has shaped (i) the timing of welfare legislation, (ii) social spending, (iii) welfare state patterns and (iv) the establishment of a welfare bureaucracy. [La publication récente est disponible en ligne]

Le formulaire d’inscription et les détails de connexion sont disponibles sur le lien suivant:   Inscription

N’hésitez pas à diffuser largement cette invitation. La publication récente est disponible en ligne

L’ensemble du programme pour ce semestre est disponible en ligne.

Pour le comité d’organisation,

Emma Tyrou, Jhonatan Saldana




As expected, a new session of the seminar “Predatory States, Conflicts and Resistances” will take place on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 2:30-4:30pm.

Due to international travel restrictions, this session will take place exclusively online.

On this occasion we will welcome Herbert Obinger (SOCIUM, University of Bremen) who will give a talk in English, entitled: “War and the rise of the western welfare state”
Discussant : Samira Guennif ( CEPN, University of Paris Nord)

Summary : This presentation provides an overview of the impacts of the two world wars on welfare state development. First, it sheds light on several possible causal mechanisms through which military interests and warfare might have shaped the development of western welfare states. Relevant factors are military concerns about the quantity and quality of the population, tremendous social needs generated by the horrors of war and war-induced political transformations. Next, I will present empirical findings for 18 western countries to highlight how mass warfare has shaped (i) the timing of welfare legislation, (ii) social spending, (iii) welfare state patterns and (iv) the establishment of a welfare bureaucracy. [Recent publication available online]

The registration form and login details are available at the following link: Registration

Do not hesitate to widely spread this invitation.

This semester full programming is available online.

For the organizing committee,

Emma Tyrou, Jhonatan Saldana