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The Intellectual Legacy of Janos Kornai: looking into system paradigm and soft budget constraints – 2024 – – Mehrdad Vahabi




Mehrdad Vahabi (USPN, CEPN).



This paper explores Kornai’s intellectual legacy by focusing on two major concepts that were constantly present in his works, namely system paradigm and soft budget constraints (SBC). These two concepts provided the underlying tenets of Kornai’s original contribution to an important subfield of economic science during the cold war, known as “comparative economic systems”. The concept of SBC had a much stronger impact on the profession in …[Lire la suite]

Islamic revolution and Anfal – 27 Novembre 2023 – – Mehrdad Vahabi




Mehrdad Vahabi (USPN, CEPN).


The Islamic revolution is nothing but Islamic revivalism or the establishment of an Islamic state based on Sharia. In this paper, I focus on the Islamic revolution in Iran that has been exceptionally considered as a ‘social revolution’ targeting an overhaul of the economic institutions. Can the economic model of Islamic revivalism be reduced to one of the principal dichotomous models of state socialism or free market …[Lire la suite]

Expiré : 2023/03/23 – 23 mars – 5ème séance du séminaire GEO Gestion-Economie-Organisation – Pierre Salama ANNULE


La cinquième séance du séminaire GEOGestion-Economie-Organisation” de l’équipe SPI-CEPN aura lieu le Jeudi 23 mars entre 12h30 et 14h00. À cette occasion, nous aurons le plaisir d’accueillir Pierre Salama (CEPN, et USPN), qui fera une présentation intitulée : ” À front renversé. Bolsonaro versus AMLO dans la gestion de la Covid-19. Une approche d’économie politique comparée Brésil-Mexique “.

Cette séance se déroulera en présentiel sur le campus de …[Lire la suite]