The EuroMemo Group conference 2019 is organised by the EuroMemo Group and jointly hosted with the Paris University 13. Against the background of the deepening climate and environmental crisis, this year’s conference will particularly address the need for socio-ecological transformation in Europe and will critically discuss related policy proposals, in particular the Green New Deal
The venue of this year’s conference is the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Paris Nord (address: 20, avenue George Sand, 93210 La Plaine Saint-Denis). The conference site is well connected to metro services; it is just a three minute walk from the metro station Front Populaire (line 12, exit 3 MSH Paris Nord). A map is available online:
The registration will start at 2:30pm on Thursday, 26 September at the right hand side of the entry hall . All sessions plenaries and workshops will take place on the 4th floor. The conference rooms will be sign-posted.
The second day of the conference (Friday, 27 September) will be dedicated to key themes of EU policy within seven different workshops. Most of the papers that will be presented in the workshops are already available on the conference website, so you have a chance to read them before the conference.
This year’s conference dinner on Thursday will take place at the restaurant Louis Philippe, 66 quai de l’hotel de ville Paris 75004, which is located at the centre of Paris, close to Notre-Dame. The price for a menu is 28 Euro (drinks not included). We kindly ask you to indicate at the registration whether you would like to take part at the dinner.
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