Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à la cinquième séance de séminaire État prédateur, conflits et résistance, du cycle 2022-2023 qui aura lieu le vendredi 17 février 2023 (14h30-16h30) entièrement en ligne via Zoom.
À cette occasion Sinem Kavak (l’Université de Lund) présentera un discours intitulé “Authoritarian Neoliberalism and Resistance in Contemporary Turkey: Insights from Countryside and Beyond” à partir du chapitre deux de l’ouvrage collectif “Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Turkey: Construction, consolidation and contestation”, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
Discutant: Omer Tekdemir ( l’Université de Coventry)
After two decades of single party rule of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) under the leadership of Erdogan, Turkey is considered an emblematic case of democratic backsliding along with poverty and inequalities that have been amplified as a result of sweeping neoliberal reforms and authoritarian consolidation in the country. The recent literature has identified these concomitant and complementary modes of authoritarian governance and neoliberal policies as ‘authoritarian neoliberalism’. There is a growing literature on authoritarian neoliberalism that examines the relationship between democratic backsliding and neoliberalization and interrogates how neoliberal reforms buttress the legal, administrative and coercive power of states and create a leverage for ruling governments to enhance authoritarian forms of government. In this seminar, Dr. Kavak discusses the broader theoretical concerns behind the conceptualization of authoritarian neoliberalism pertaining to state-capital-society relations from a critical political economy perspective focusing both on dynamics of consolidation of authoritarian neoliberalism in Turkey as well as the acts of contention against it. Her analysis combines two of her recent works. First one is the book she co-edited with Dr. Dinc, Dr. Borsuk and Dr. Sayan entitled “Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Turkey: Construction, consolidation and contestation”. In this book, she and her co-authors construct a framework to explain consolidation of authoritarian neoliberalism in Turkey through the mechanisms of executive centralization, autocratic legalism, cronyism, violence- fueled rentier accumulation, criminalization and stigmatization, and forms of resistance against authoritarian neoliberalism. She elucidates the framework through her work on resistance against enclosures and commodification of rivers across Turkey for electricity production in Turkey’s countryside.
Pour consulter le deuxième chapitre de cet ouvrage, source de cette intervention, cliquez ici: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-16-4213-5_2
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