Grèves : «La colère va bien au-delà des retraites»
Un héritage méconnu de la crise des « subprime » : Le poison des taux d’intérêt négatifs
Novembre 2019
Frédéric Lemaire et Dominique Plihon
Entretien : Sur les causes économiques des protestations en Iran contre l’augmentation des prix de l’essence (En Persan)
23 novembre 2019
Mehrdad Vahabi
« Soft law » et pouvoir du capital
13 novembre 2019
Hélène Tordjman
Working Paper n°2019-10 – Eurozone periphery post-crisis : Financialisation and industrialisation in Slovenia and Slovakia – Ana Podvršič and Joachim Becker
The article provides a comparative study of Slovenia and Slovakia to analyse the transformation of dependent accumulation regimes in the Eurozone periphery after 2010. The study of these two economies from CEE is particularly insightful to understand how the Eurozone countries from the industrial periphery coped with the challenges of restructuring after the outbreak of the crisis. The article combines dependency and régulationist approaches to study European asymmetrical accumulation regimes. We argue that the post-crisis economic trajectories in …[Lire la suite]
Working Paper n°2019-09 – Capacity Utilization and the NAIRCU: Evidences of Hysteresis in EU countries – Federico Bassi
Most empirical studies provide evidence that the rate of capacity utilization is stable around a constant Non-accelerating inflation rate of capacity utilization (NAIRCU). Nevertheless, available statistical series of the rate of capacity utilization, which is unobservable, are constructed by assuming that it is stable over time. Hence, the stability of the NAIRCU is an artificial artefact. In this paper, we develop a method to estimate the rate of capacity utilization without imposing stability constraints. Partially inspired to the …[Lire la suite]