Initiative citoyenne – Tribune – La recherche francophone en sciences de gestion n’a aucune raison d’accepter une soumission à un ordre anglo-saxon

Dans une tribune au « Monde », près de 80 enseignants et chercheurs en gestion, parmi lesquels Luc Marco et Corinne Vercher-Chaptal membres du CEPN, appellent les autorités académiques françaises à contester la domination des revues anglophones dans l’évaluation de leurs travaux.
Pour évaluer la recherche en sciences de gestion, un principe s’est imposé : celui de se baser sur les seuls articles publiés dans des revues académiques, au détriment des autres formes …[Lire la suite]

Working Paper n°2019-02 – Coupling Cycle Mechanisms: Minsky debt cycles and the Multiplier-Accelerator – S. Devrim Yilmaz & Engelbert Stockhammer

While there exists a substantial literature on different business cycle mechanisms, there is little literature on economies with more than one business cycle mechanism operating and the relation of stability of these subsystems with the stability of the aggregate system. We construct a model where a multiplier-accelerator subsystem in output-investment space (a real cycle) and a Minskyian subsystem in investment- debt space (a financial cycle) can generate stable/unstable cycles in 2D in isolation. We then derive a theorem …[Lire la suite]

Working Paper n°2019-01 – Degrowth in a neo-Kaleckian model of growth and distribution? A theoretical compatibility and stability analysis – Antoine Monserand

Situated at the interface between post-Keynesian and ecological economics, this article investigates the theoretical possibilities for a degrowth transition to take place while preserving macroeconomic stability. More precisely, the objective is to find whether in a neo-Kaleckian model of growth and distribution an equilibrium with a zero or even negative rate of accumulation can coexist with the Keynesian stability condition being verified. Our results are threefold. First, we confirm that adding the rate of depreciation to the canonical …[Lire la suite]