Expiré : 2019/10/04 – 04octobre – 7ième Journée d’économétrie appliquée à la macroéconomie



7ième Journée d’économétrie appliquée à la macroéconomie

MSH de Paris Nord,

Vendredi 4 Octobre 2019


The Labex MME-DII, the CEPN (UMR CNRS 7234) and the INFER network are jointly organizing the 7th workshop on Applied Macro-Econometrics. The goal of this workshop is to bring together European applied macroeconomists to discuss current frontier research on a regular basis.

The seminar is free. If you want to attend the seminar, we are asked to …[Lire la suite]

Working Paper n°2019-07 – A Review of Rent-seekers, Profits, Wages and Inequality, The Top 20%, 2019 by Péter Mihályi and Iván Szelényi – Mehrdad Vahabi

The authors, Péter Mihályi and Iván Szelényi, set themselves the ambitious task of formulating an alternative discourse about inequality in which the extent of inequality per se is not the problem but rather where inequalities stem from? Herein lies their fundamental divergence with Piketty (2014) for whom the excessive growth of “profits” is assumed to be the source of inequalities. The problem with mainstream economics and Piketty is that “profit” and “rent” are lumped together. A critical distinction …[Lire la suite]