Working Paper n°2020-05 – Effect of migration on the food security of households left behind: Evidence from Ethiopia – Hamed Sambo

In most countries, migration is a common phenomenon that can have both positive and negative effects on the living conditions of households in the locality of origin. This paper offers new evidence concerning the effect of migration on the food security of households left behind. The evidence is provided for Ethiopia, a country where internal migration is more predominant, and where food insecurity is still acute. The analysis is based on the 2013/2014 and 2015/2016 Ethiopian Socioeconomic Surveys …[Lire la suite]

Working Paper n°2020-04 – Comment penser l’alternative au capitalisme de plateforme dans une logique de réencastrement polanyien ?- Laura Aufrère, Philippe Eynaud, Lionel Maurel et Corinne Vercher-Chaptal

L’article envisage les alternatives au capitalisme de plateforme dans une logique de réencastrement polanyien. Issus d’études de cas dans les secteurs du co-voiturage, de la livraison et de l’hébergement, les résultats mettent au jour des modèles d’activité hybrides au sein desquels le principe marchand est mis au service de la logique réciprocitaire. Rejetant la rationalité algorithmique formelle des plateformes capitalistes, les alternatives cherchent à aligner les comportements individuels et collectifs sur les valeurs de solidarité et les finalités …[Lire la suite]

Working Paper n°2020-03 – How Financialization Reshapes Public Health Care Systems-The Case of Assurance Maladie – Ana Carolina Cordilha

This article seeks to show how financialization is reshaping Public Health Care Systems (PHCS). To do so, we combine a theoretical discussion and an empirical investigation to examine the increasing participation of financial actors and instruments in these systems over the last decades. In the first part, we present the conventional approach for assessing PHCS transformation to date and argue for the need to incorporate the concept of ‘financialization’. In the second part, we suggest a method for …[Lire la suite]

Working Paper n°2020-02 – Growth without Full Capacity Utilization And Full Capacity Utilization Without Growth – Federico Bassi

Despite empirical evidence of permanent damages to GDP after the 2008 global financial crisis, there is little theoretical consensus about the impact of the crisis on the unobservable rate of capacity utilization. In this paper, we investigate how the rate of capacity utilization reacts to shocks by testing the hypothesis that the normal rate of capacity utilization is exogenous and constant, against the alternative hypothesis that it is endogenous to demand and can vary with time. We find …[Lire la suite]

Working Paper n°2020-01 – La Sociale contre l’Etat providence – Prédation et protection sociale – Philippe Batifoulier, Nicolas Da Silva et Mehrdad Vahabi

Ce travail a pour objet de relire l’histoire de l’Etat providence français à la lumière de la théorie d’un Etat prédateur. On oppose une approche de la protection sociale portée par l’Etat où la protection est un instrument de la prédation à une approche qualifiée de « La sociale » dominée par un « citizen welfare » et axée sur un auto gouvernement des individus. L’Etat providence est l’aboutissement de la guerre de masse moderne et la politique …[Lire la suite]

Working Paper n°2019-10 – Eurozone periphery post-crisis : Financialisation and industrialisation in Slovenia and Slovakia – Ana Podvršič and Joachim Becker

The article provides a comparative study of Slovenia and Slovakia to analyse the transformation of dependent accumulation regimes in the Eurozone periphery after 2010. The study of these two economies from CEE is particularly insightful to understand how the Eurozone countries from the industrial periphery coped with the challenges of restructuring after the outbreak of the crisis. The article combines dependency and régulationist approaches to study European asymmetrical accumulation regimes. We argue that the post-crisis economic trajectories in …[Lire la suite]

Working Paper n°2019-09 – Capacity Utilization and the NAIRCU: Evidences of Hysteresis in EU countries – Federico Bassi

Most empirical studies provide evidence that the rate of capacity utilization is stable around a constant Non-accelerating inflation rate of capacity utilization (NAIRCU). Nevertheless, available statistical series of the rate of capacity utilization, which is unobservable, are constructed by assuming that it is stable over time. Hence, the stability of the NAIRCU is an artificial artefact. In this paper, we develop a method to estimate the rate of capacity utilization without imposing stability constraints. Partially inspired to the …[Lire la suite]

Working Paper n°2019-08 – Construction of a Normalized Open Access Indicator (NOAI) – Abdelghani Maddi

The issue of Open Access (OA) in research is attracting growing interest both within the scientific community and on the political scene. Some centers specializing in the production of science indicators now include OA indicators by institution. In its 2019 ranking, the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) provides a ranking of institutions according to their share of open access publications. This gives an idea of the degree of openness of institutions. However, the fact of not …[Lire la suite]