Expiré : 2017/11/07 – 7 novembre – Troisième séance de l’Atelier d’économie politique avec Mariana Fernández Massi (U. Nacional de Moreno-Argentina) sur le thème “GVC and employment: A review of the conceptual and political discussion”.

La prochaine séance de l’atelier d’économie politique du CEPN aura lieu le mardi 14 novembre, en salle K301 de 12h30 à 14h.

Nous recevrons à cette occasion Mariana Fernández Massi (Univ. Nacional de Moreno-Argentina – Boursier Saint Exupery) sur le thème “GVC and employment: A review of the conceptual and political discussion“.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous un abstract de sa présentation.

Comme à l’accoutumée, des sandwichs, fruits et bouteilles d’eau seront à votre disposition.

En espérant vous y voir nombreuses et nombreux.

L’équipe de l’atelier d’économie politique du CEPN.



Global Value Chains (GVC) have become a common way of organizing work, production, investment and trade around the world. Many studies have explored the economic and trade dimensions; but less attention has been paid to the implications for employment, working conditions and labour rights. During a period these studies emphasized that in some countries, particularly developing countries, GVC have created employment and opportunities for economic and social development. However, more recent research shows their negative implications for wages and other working conditions including freedom of association and collective bargaining.

The aim of this presentation is to review how employment is addressed in the GVC literature. Firstly, we identify four stages in the debate in which the role of employment differs. We argue that the questions that have arisen in that debate are explained by the underlying labour market theory. Secondly, we distinguish key issues to analyze employment along GVC: employment relationship blurring; national labor laws vs. global sourcing strategies; and distance between consumer space and production space. Finally, we discuss three initiatives regarding the regulation of labour standards along the value chain: i. French law of duty of care of multinationals; ii. International Labour Office (ILO) recommendation about decent work in global supply chains; and iii. United Nations treaty process on business and human rights.