La huitième séance du séminaire “État prédateur, Conflits et Résistances“ qui aura lieu le vendredi 14 juin entre 14h30 et 16h30.
À cette occasion nous accueillerons Nicolas Pinsard (CEPN, Université Paris 13) et Bruno Tinel (Université Paris 1) qui auront une intervention intitulée : “The rise of offices venality in France: 1467-1604”
Abstract – This session focuses on the emergence of offices as an exchange-value in France in the 16th Century. Before the emergence of venality offices are a delegation of the Royal Authority. In 1467, officials obtain from the King the end of their revocability. Then offices start to be valued in monetary terms through the resignation process. The offices primary market has moved from a decentralised to a centralised form with the creation of the Casual Parties in 1522. In 1604 a tax innovation called la Paulette has definitely transformed the secondary market for offices into an asset market.
Discutant : Mehrdad Vahabi (CEPN, Université Paris 13)
Lieu : Maison des Sciences de l’Homme – Paris Nord (La Plaine, Saint Denis), salle 413. Voir les détails dans l’affiche du séminaire, en pièce jointe.