This article seeks to show how financialization is reshaping Public Health Care Systems (PHCS). To do so, we combine a theoretical discussion and an empirical investigation to examine the increasing participation of financial actors and instruments in these systems over the last decades. In the first part, we present the conventional approach for assessing PHCS transformation to date and argue for the need to incorporate the concept of ‘financialization’. In the second part, we suggest a method for …[Lire la suite]
Despite empirical evidence of permanent damages to GDP after the 2008 global financial crisis, there is little theoretical consensus about the impact of the crisis on the unobservable rate of capacity utilization. In this paper, we investigate how the rate of capacity utilization reacts to shocks by testing the hypothesis that the normal rate of capacity utilization is exogenous and constant, against the alternative hypothesis that it is endogenous to demand and can vary with time. We find …[Lire la suite]
En raison de la crise sanitaire actuelle et de ses conséquences humaines et organisationnelles plusieurs colloques, journées et séminaires organisés par le CEPN sont reportés. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste récapitulatives et autant de détails que possible. Nous tâchons de revenir vers vous au plus vite en fonction de l’évolution de la situation.
Le 22ème conférence annuelle de l’International Network for Economic Research prévu initialement du 3 au 5 juin 2020 à la MSH Paris Nord est …[Lire la suite]