
Working Paper n°2019-08 – Construction of a Normalized Open Access Indicator (NOAI) – Abdelghani Maddi

The issue of Open Access (OA) in research is attracting growing interest both within the scientific community and on the political scene. Some centers specializing in the production of science indicators now include OA indicators by institution. In its 2019 ranking, the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) provides a ranking of institutions according to their share of open access publications. This gives an idea of the degree of openness of institutions. However, the fact of not …[Lire la suite]

Expiré : 2019/10/11 – 11 octobre – 2eme séance du séminaire des doctorants avec Ana Caroline Cordilha

La deuxième séance du séminaire doctorants du CEPN se déroulera le vendredi 11 octobre 12h30 à 13h30 en K301 (UFR SEG, campus de Villetaneuse).

Ana Caroline CORDILHA fera une présentation intituléeHow does financialization reshape Social Security Systems? Evidence from the French case”.

Des sandwichs, salades, fruits et bouteilles d’eau seront à votre disposition.

En espérant vous voir nombreux.

L’équipe organisatrice du séminaire doctorants du CEPN.

Projet H2020 PLUS – Événement – Shaping our Future in Smarter Regions and Cities: Digitalisation, Jobs, Growth

Post-2021 cohesion policy aims at smart specialisation and digital transformation. This generates new job profiles across sectors, creates opportunities for growth and global competition. However, digitalisation of work will also impact at all levels: on workers, regions, social security and tax systems; it may reinforce inequalities and challenge territorial cohesion. This workshop will explore inclusive digital economic growth and discuss scenarios for shaping a sustainable, inclusive future of work which is focusing on cohesion and the diversity of European …[Lire la suite]